We're all in such a hurry to grow up and become who we want to be, and to accomplish things, that sometimes we forget where were coming from, we forget to enjoy the small things and remember the moments that make us who were are. We're so busy rushing about that we more often then not overlook the memories and events that in essence sculpt us into we are, and ultimately who we are becoming.
Everything starts somewhere. Our dreams, hopes, fears, and our ambitions. Why do we what do, think or act the way we do? What made us so unsure? why the difficultly with trust? How come certain thing trigger a memory?
A wise man by the name Douglas Adams once said; "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be."
In truth, we must ask ourselves
what made us take a path that lead you not where you INTENDED to go, but rather where you NEEDED to be?
Though this question may seem small, it's actually crucial aspect of our very bring and existence its the base of a pyramid of things we consistently over look in the midst hustle, and bustle of our daily lives.
There are times, throughout our lives, points in the timeline of our life in which we find out selves turning our backs on the unknown things that lie ahead in our future, as we turn our face, our minds and our hearts towards past. In times like these, Whether its that we've hit rockbottom, we've stumble onto a dead end Or we just simply don't know what we want anymore.
It is then, and only then, that we find our minds and hearts drifting off down memory lane and it is in the bitter face of uncertainly that we come to realizewhat we have forgotten, & that though, unseen through our rose tinted glasses, we find what our mind and heart truly desires. In the new found light of this realization we find that the possibilities to pick up the pieces and rebuild all that's been lost or shattered is as real as can be.
Still, Even so, there are some of us that will never learn, and will forever walk a lonely boulevard their whole lives until someone or something, forcibly shows us or until we die lonely and unhappy, never knowing what could've been.
So for those who follow this blog, I challenge you, during the upcoming year of 2013, to stop, think, and remember where you've intended to go, and is it where you need to be. Stay safe this holiday season. xoxo
[THAT] WildChild<3